
December 12, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? December 12th

In an effort to staying more organized in my reading, I've decided to join the Monday party of updates hosted at Book Date. Monday update posts are my favorite in a blog update feed - I love peeking at what everybody around is reading - it's like creepily trying to read the title of a book your fellow morning commuter is engrossed with.

What I Read Last Week:

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

I've struggled through 50 pages of the book and then gave up. More on that failure later :)

Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown

A very matter-of-fact and encouraging read. I was inspired to pick it up because I was moving to another flat and pretty depressed with this whole boring and difficult adult thing. 

What I Am Reading Now:

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

For my WEM project. The book is very big and heavy so I only read it at home, which greatly slows the process, as I'm constantly on the move. I'm about 1/5 through now and although it is funny and clever at times, it's very tiring to read because of wordiness and repetitiveness.

Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets by Svetlana Alexievich

This is a heartbreaking but essential read. Very difficult to read emotionally but very worth it too.

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip G. Zimbardo

The book is very interesting and educative, but the author is not a master of concise writing, so it's taking more time than I've expected. Still, I'm nearing the end of the book already :)

And what are YOU reading this Monday? Join in the fun!


  1. The Lucifer effect sound good Here is my IMWAYR:

  2. I don't know if you've ever heard of the serial reader app but it would be great for tackling a beast like Don Quixote!

    1. Well, the WEM book insists on paper copies for highlighting, and I'm also taking notes after every chapter... So a reader is not an option :)

  3. I admire your fortitude. I have just avoided Classics in my reading choices. I don't want to work that hard in my reading. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I usually do too) But I hate not having read something when it's mentioned, and classics do get mentioned a lot)

  4. I forced myself to read Nietzsche's Ecco Homo and in the end I enjoyed it for what it was worth. My review of it has turned out to be my second most viewed review on my blog. Go figure! I'm reading DQ at the moment with a few others ..... it's my second read of it and so far I'm enjoying it all over again!

    So fun to see your reads!

  5. Interesting list! :) I've been avoiding Don Quixote; it just sounds like one I'll either "love or loathe." Zarathustra, I take it, is another one of those? Good for you for tackling these giants!


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