
September 22, 2016

TWEM Starting Line

This post marks the starting line of my reading from the lists in The Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise Bauer. The first three books arrived yesterday, and I've already started Don Quixote. It's huge. I didn't expect it to be so huge! But I'm not too intimidated because it should be funny and also I know that with the notes I can keep it all together.

Wish me luck and join me in reading TWEM books! And tell me, were you intimidated when beginning with TWEM, if you're doing/have done the lists? I mean, those are not very easy to read titles!


  1. Ooo, how exciting for you! I started reading the lists sticking strictly to the questions, but after awhile kind of tailored it to what worked for me. One thing it did for me that was invaluable, was to force me to take lots of notes, whereas now note-taking is second-nature. I wasn't intimidated with the difficulty but was with the time I thought I was going to have to devote to it. Don Quixote took awhile and I didn't actually complete the whole novel list. Perhaps I can slot in a few with you that I missed. I still have to read The Pilgrim's Progress and a number of others.

    1. uff, glad to know that remembering to take notes gets easier) Now I have to stop myself from immediately jumping to the next chapter, even though the notebook is always open and by my side. Yep, it's a huge time commitment, but I hope that it will be worth it in the end! You're very welcome to join me in reading, I'm planning to go in chronological order. Don't know if I can survive Bunyan though, I HATE being preached at... But I'll try to look at it in the historical context.

  2. Oh, Bunyan is kind of fun. Giants! Dragons! Swamps! Just think, he's practically the grandpa of fantasy fiction. :) Don Quixote, now. THAT scares me.

    1. Haha well I'll try to think of him in this kind of way and ignore the preaching)) Don Quixote is actually much more fun than I was expecting. Maybe the translation is just good. it's Rutherford's


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