
July 20, 2015

Hello again :)

Hello dear internet people if you are still here somewhere :) It feels like it’s time to start blogging again and it seems like I might have enough time and energy for it in the coming period of my life. I haven’t been here for half a year and A LOT has happened in this time, most of the changes being very welcome.
  • I’ve finally started renting a room in the city instead of staying in the dorms. So yay washing machine, I hope I’ll never have to wash my clothes with my hands again. My neighbours are kinda crazy, but whatever, there is a park nearby and the city center is close. I’ve also bought a sofa and a table and feel very grown up now!
  • I’ve fallen in love and it felt like getting back to life after a long period of being emotionally impotent. It didn’t work out and there were some bad feelings but I’m grateful anyway. I feel like my palate is cleaned now before the real stuff :)
  • I’ve moved to the sunny Barcelona for a 3-month internship and I love it SO MUCH here!! The sea is a 5 min walk away from my new office, and the people here are so awesome and relaxed! Besides, my Spanish is getting better now that I’m actually using it. There's a pic of the awesome Costa Brava below to give you a glimpse of the awesome area I'm living in now <3
Of course I was reading during this time, but there was so much stuff happening in real life that more often than not I felt like I couldn’t concentrate on the things I read about and ended up not caring about stories which would otherwise have greatly intrigued me. But some great books have come my way since I last had enthusiasm to share my thoughts here, so it would be unfair not to share the experience with you dear readers. That’s why I already have a collections of mini-reviews prepared for posting in the nearest future, and I hope the local second-hand bookstore (Hibernian, if anyone is curious) will provide me with more awesome reading material soon :)


  1. Barcelona *makes sure not to drool over whole keyboard*

    Great minds think alike, eh. So glad to see a post from you again :)

  2. Barcelona looks wonderful!! I'll have to add it to my travel fantasy itinerary.

    I'm glad to see you back. I was on a little hiatus as well, due to busyness and my mom's health issues. I've returned though and am looking forward to the down-time that I've been so desperately misssing.

    Take care, Ekaterina!

    1. Barcelona is an awesome destination! I wish you will visit it sometime! :)
      Thank you! And I wish you some calm time in your life to rest well!

  3. Welcome back :) and congrats to all the new changes and Barcelona (where I hope to go someday soon).

    I've been on a hiatus as well, so I'm slowly catching up with reviews as well (the ones I remember). Looking forward to seeing what you've read.

    Be Good.

    1. You'll not regret going to Barcelona if you do!

      It seems a lot of people have been on hiatus, and it's sooo good to see everyone back! Looking forward to your reviews!

  4. Hey, nice to see you back! Barcelona sounds neat, though since I'm sitting here in a heatwave I'm thinking that the Baltic sounds more attractive. ;)

    1. It's actually not THAT hot here, because we have sea :) Wind from the sea makes life much more bearable :)

  5. Welcome back! Hope you enjoy Barcelona. One day I will make it to Spain.

    1. Oh hi! Thanks! I hope you do, Spain cannot disappoint! ;)


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