
November 13, 2014

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway (Review)

Title: A Farewell to Arms
Author: Ernest Hemingway
First published: 1929
Add it: Goodreads, Book Depository
Rating: ★★☆☆☆

This was a Classics Club Spin title, and I should have read it by October 6. I did, but I didn't manage to review it in time. Well, better late then never, right? :) 

Before A Farewell to Arms I had only read Hemingway once and didn't like it. But I told myself that that was so because I was little and not that into fishing :) So I've decided to give him another try. I wish I haven't. 

The whole problem is the writing. It just doesn't work for me. It is somewhat abrupt and gloomy and doesn't hold my attention. Also, you can always feel that something horrible is going to happen and it's too much of a pressure for 300-something pages. I freely admit it may be completely my fault I didn't like the book. I'm very easily bored by books lately, but still, considering the gripping events happening in there, it's too dull. 

Another major problem was the protagonist's relationship with the nurse. I think it was sick, the way she diminished herself and told that she didn't matter and all she wanted was his convenience. The guy knocked her up, come on! She has some rights. Overall, a depressive book without likable characters... I'm not sure I'll ever pick Hemingway up again.

In my book:
Don't know what people find in it.


  1. That's exactly how I felt about it. Hemingway is just not my thing. :P

  2. Ha!... I had the same feeling when reading this. The Old Man and the Sea is the only Hemingway that I liked.

  3. I read it so long ago the only thing I remember is that female character's name was Catherine (I think?). Didn't like The Old Man and the Sea at all but liked For Whom the Bell Tolls, though I think it's likely if you don't like one of his longer novels you probably won't like others either. I bought A Moveable Feast lately and will be giving it a go at some point.

  4. I love your comments "I wish I haven't" and "Don't know what people find in it." I've only read one Hemingway (A Moveable Feast) and hated it as well.


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