
June 21, 2014


Hi everybody! It's I! Do you still remember me? :) A short update, mostly not about books. I know, I know, this blog is supposed to be about books, but lately books haven't been happening in my life as regularly as shit :)

1) I've just defended my thesis. It was good! Also, half an hour later, I failed the state exam. It was so bad, I can't even! I got the worst possible question. Apart from being ashamed as hell (my boss was in the committee), I'll have to do it all again in August. I realize that it's not the end of the world, but the perfectionist in me is crying and cursing. What's worse is that my mom is coming for graduation, and there will be no graduation for me. What a shame!

2) I've just got back from a great vacation at home! All my dear friends, small touristic trips, parties... Wonderful, just wonderful! I needed it! No surprise that I was not so well prepared for the state exam... One place we've visited was a marble quarry where they dug stuff to build all the pretty buildings in St.Petersburg. It's very beautiful!

3) I've got an invitation to a Cambridge research group for a couple of months. If they solve the visa problem somehow (and it's not that trivial with my nationality!) and if I finally pass this bloody exam, I'll go there. Maybe it's a sign that life is slowly becoming slightly better? :)

4) I haven't been reading a lot this month, if only you don't count lecture notes :) I'm nearly done with Outlander, and oh my god is it trashy! If I ever finish it, the review will probably be a huge rant, so get ready! I have no idea what to read next, maybe I'll pick up the Hitchhiker's Guide books - the "Don't panic" message would be really appreciated right now :) Or I might finally pick up a book in Czech!


  1. a) Congratulations on defending your thesis!
    b) I am SO SORRY about your exam. Wailing and gnashing of teeth! I am glad you can take it again in August. You'll do it next time. (())

    1. Thanks, Jean! Well, I have to do it next time, I have no choice! :)

  2. Great photos, what a beautiful place! I'm sorry about your exam, but it sounds like an unlucky question, so don't blame yourself too much. Your master's is in computer science, right? I'm just now finishing up my bachelor's. Writing/defending a thesis sounds terrifying; congratulations on that! I hope you get to go to Cambridge, that sounds like it would be fun. :)

    1. Thanks, Marian! Good luck with your bachelor's thesis! I remember being so much more terrified of defending the bachelor's thesis than master's, because it's the first time! I also hope I'll go to Cambridge, but immigration policies suck :((

  3. Congratulations on your defence but bummer about the exam! I'm sure you'll pass in August without a lovely vacation to distract you! Beautiful photos, BTW! Cambridge sounds like a wonderful opportunity! I hope everything come together for you and you are able to have a great experience there.

    I know ….. wasn't Outlander over the top?! I couldn't finish it. :-P I'll be looking forward to your rant!

    1. Thanks, cleopatra! Yes, I'm planning to spend much more time preparing in August than this time :)) I wished to DNF Outlander so much, especially when I stopped understanding what was happening, but I'm stubborn!

  4. Those pictures are beautiful!
    Congrats with your thesis but ah, bad lucky with the exam :(

    Hitchhiker's Guide is great :D I'm sure you'll like it!

    1. Thanks, Carola! I know it's great, I've read the first book and loved it! I have no idea why I haven't read the rest, thought...


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