
May 8, 2014

A Quick Message

Hi! I'm stopping by just to explain my long silence here. I've just had a very difficult breakup and I'm in no mood not only to write, but also to read. Nothing seems to hold my attention. I have no experience with this, so I have no idea when I'm coming back to normal, but when I do, I hope I'll be posting again. I'll still make a May round-up for Language Freak Challenge (because there are responsibilities), but I doubt I'll read anything for it myself. So I apologize for my lack of presence and wish you all the best.


  1. I'm sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself, we'll be here when you're ready to return xx

  2. I'm very sad to hear this. Please know that our thoughts are with you, Ekaterina.


  3. I'm so sorry, Ekaterina. That stinks. :( Come back when you're ready.

  4. Sorry to hear this :(

    And no need to apologise, these things take time.

    Take care.

  5. I'm very sad to read this, been there myself and it's bad times. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I am so very sorry you have to go through a hard time like this. Please take your time to rest and take care of yourself.

  7. Thank you, my friends, your words are really heart-warming!

  8. "On va se débrouille". ( one is going to manage.....)
    Give yourself some 'downtime'.

  9. Oh I'm sorry to hear this! Definitely take care of yourself - sleep well and eat well and rest as much as you can.

  10. Sorry for your breakup. Heal your heart and soul first before worrying about online life. Virtual hugs to you.


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