
March 10, 2014

American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Review)

Title: American Gods
Author: Neil Gaiman
First published: 2001
Add it: Goodreads, Book Depository
Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Oh, this book... I can't put off writing this review any longer, so to make it easier let's make a deal here, OK? If you love American Gods so much that you can't stand any critic, don't read what I have to say about it, and if you do read it, don't hate me afterwards, please? :) It's just that I know many people feel very protective about this particular book, so I'm a bit afraid of their rage, because yes, unfortunately, I didn't like it at all...

I had high expectations of this book, and it went fairly well in the beginning, but then weird shit started to happen, and I was thinking "Why am I doing it to myself??" all the following 450 pages. OK, maybe the ending (that revelation of what's going on, you know what I'm talking about) was also not bad, but I was already bored to death by the time I reached it. Why was it so? Let me try to explain.

The main problem for me was the overly depressing mood of the story. I felt the pressure of the despair oozing from the pages all the time, and there was no comical or other relief. Is it surprising then that my favourite character in the book is the "Fuck off" raven? I know that if the book affects me so, it means the writing is good. Well, it is good, but I didn't like what it was doing with me anyway. And don't forget the corpses! Sooo many of them... I've had enough of corpses for a year of reading.

As for the characters, well, they are another problem. Shadow is awful. He is resigned, passive and incurious, and I don't understand him at all. The gods are also rather dull. I mean, come on, they could have been really outstanding, but instead they are very meh... I realize that it's kind of ideologically fitting, because they are dying out, but still... I wanted something more exciting. Wednesday came fairly near to being exciting, but not quite. 

In my book:
I didn't enjoy American Gods at all, and I would especially NOT recommend it as a rainy day reading. Seriously, it may draw you in a long-lasting depression.


  1. Oh wow. I think you're the first person to give this a negative review. But I respect your opinion and now I'm second guessing all the recommendations. Hmmmm . . .

    1. Yeah, I FEEL like the first person to give it a negative review EVER... Well, it can't work for everybody :)

  2. I love your review, because it's exactly how you've described - except I loved most of that: like how taciturn Shadow is, the dark broody atmosphere and all the mythological absurdities, how the gods weren't exactly godly. It's not nearly my favourite Gaiman though!

    1. I know it's childish, but my favourite Gaiman is still Stardust. I really don't like when there's no light at the end of the tunnel, and that's how American Gods felt for me... Well, maybe I'm too sensitive :)

  3. Awww. American Gods is one of my favorite books but I don't hate you for disliking it. Lol! I hope you enjoy your next book much more.

    1. Thanks, this sounds really encouraging! :) I know how protective I am of my favourite books, but I also try not to hate people for not liking them. Well, not unless they dislike EVERYTHING I like :) Luckily that never happens! :)

    2. Finally someone who agrees with me!
      There are so many Gaiman super-fans out there and sometimes I feel like the only one who isnt! x

    3. Haha, now you know you are not alone! :)

  4. Wth, I didn't comment on this post... I remember bookmarking it for when I finish the book myself, and today I was cleaning out the bookmark list. Anyway, curious thing - I also always thought that the world is full of Gaiman fans, but in the group I read it with in GR, more people disliked it than liked it :o I was really surprised. Personally, I had the same experience - started off fairly well, and then it just started draaaaaging. And dragging. And even though there were some interesting aspects about the story towards the end, I just didn't give, you know, anything. I was so tired of this book in the end it ain't even funny. I didn't like Neverwhere either, so I think this is the end of the relationship between me and Mr Gaiman.

    1. Yes, I've been following your updates on Goodreads and I was also surprised that the majority of people didn't like it. But you know what? Give up on anything by Gaiman BUT Stardust and Sandman. Both are gorgeous! I can send you an electronic collection of Sandman if you like, you can read them on computer. Paper comics are just sooo expensive!

    2. Okay, actually I didn't think of the graphic stuff. This can definitely be different (though I've never read a graphic novel in my life...) and Stardust movie I really liked for what it is - very entertaining and oftentimes clever takes on things, but ironically I'm even more anxious to pick up the book because of it - what if the movie is better? I guess it wouldn't harm to take a look at Sandman though, these are not like a 600page novel anyway :)

    3. The book Stardust IS better! Not so cute as the movie, which I also love, but much more intricate and funny. I also haven't read any graphical novels before Sandman, and I loved it! Considering how we usually agree in tastes :), I definitely recommend it! If you give me your email I'll send it to you :)

    4. That is really generous of you, Ekaterina - I'd gladly take a look! geriths(at)gmail(dot)com

      Thank you!


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