
February 28, 2014

March Madness Marathon of Reading Sign-up

Juliana is hosting this wonderful month-long read-a-thon, which you can sign up for HERE. The "goal of the challenge is to push yourself: to read more in one month that you think yourself capable of doing". Challenge accepted! As usual, I'll make this read-a-thon not page count oriented, but time oriented. I pledge to read instead of losing my time in the Internet, that I do. But I may have to study a lot, and this I will not put aside in order to read :) 

I've also decided to make it about finishing books (and narrowing my currently reading pile to one, ideally), and here are the books I started a couple of days, weeks or even months before, but haven't finished yet. I hope March will be the month for me to accomplish this!

There are also two read-a-long events that I'm planning to participate in, and here are the books we will be reading:

Moreover, I'd like to throw in some fantasy and historical fiction, and I will choose from the following: 

I also have quite some Arthurian books downloaded, but they are in different formats (DjVu, PDF) and some of them I can't read on my e-reader, which is a bad thing as I can't sit in front of the computer and not get distracted. But I hope I'll still read a couple of them :)

Ah, so many books, so little time! Now, I'm prepared for March and eager to read more than usual! :)

Happy beginning of spring to everybody!


  1. I love this list! Thanks so much for joining in. I think you set yourself some awesome goals -- I love the Arthurian book list and the "finish what I've started" list, especially. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for organizing it! :) I have a lot of Arthurian stuff planned for this year's Arthurian challenge, but I always put it off because of some awesome events requiring to read other books :) So I hope to read more of it in March :)

  2. That looks... ambitious :)) I wish you most successful reading month of March!

    1. Thanks, Riv! Oh, I do realize that I will not read all of them... But at least now I know what I should choose from :)

  3. I would totally join you for Wolf Hall, Outlander and Watership Down! I tired Wolf Hall before, but I couldn't really get into it. I think I need to start again to properly form an opinion. And truth to be told, I already started Outlander, but it's more of my casual weekend book, rather than must-read-or-die kind of thing. It's definitely chick-lit, from what I've read so far (about 5 chapters), but not without substance. I actually really like allusions to Scottish folklore and traditions. I can't wait to see what you'll read next. I always get this urge to pick up same books as you after I read your blog!

    PS. Looged in with my Blogger and not Wordpress account! Had to delete, sorry!

    1. I'd be happy if you do join me! :) I'm not sure I'll manage all of them in March, but at least one of the three :)) Sometimes I see such awesome lists, that I want to drop everything I read now and start reading books from that list :) So I know exactly what you are talking about :)

  4. Good luck with this challenge, Ekaterina! If you start out ambitious and fall short, you end up reading more than if you hadn't been ambitious in the first place; I like your style! :-)

    I just finished Paradise Lost and it was AMAZING! Candide is not turning out as challenging as I feared and it is quite an easy read. The Warden I'm still planning for May but I might get to it earlier. And Le Morte d'Arthur …….? Well, let's just say it is taking much longer than I anticipated. It's interesting but I'm not really captivated by it yet. I'm looking forward to moving on to Chrétien de Troyes and Parzival.

    Glad to see you're joining the Zoladdiction challenge too! You are so right! ….. So many books, so little time!

    1. Thanks, cleopatra!

      Wow, you must be on a completely different level of intellectuality than me, because for me Paradise Lost is so difficult that can't appreciate it at all... Candide and The Warden are both short, so I don't expect there to be any problems :)

      I know, when I bought by copy of Le Morte d'Arthur, I was very surprised at its size! Let's hope the writing and the story are really good!


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