
January 24, 2014

Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Review)

Title: Foundation
Author: Isaac Asimov
First published: 1951
Add it: Goodreads, The Book Depository
Rating: ★★★☆☆

I was expecting so much from this book after the greatness of I, Robot, but, sadly, it fell flat for me. I mean, OK, it's a space saga with politics, wars, progress, etc, and it sounds rather impressive, but if you look to the core of it it's as if the author has just read about the fall of the Roman Empire and was impressed. He does have a good grasp of European history, but what about inventing something new instead of just interpreting historical tendencies on a cosmic scale?

The book consists of 5 short stories first published separately. Each of them covers an important turn in the history of Foundation - an emerging force in the Galaxy which was once one strong, centralized and technological Empire. This Empire has fallen, as had been predicted, its periphery has become separate kingdoms, and space has become a field for numerous conflicts. There is a prophesy, though, that if a certain course of action is pursued, a new Empire will emerge in 1000 years, and chaos will end; and it's up to Foundation to see to it. 

Although I enjoyed some of the dialogues, which were rather clever, the rest was not very gripping. The book is all about ideas, not adventure or even characters, and the ideas, as I've mentioned, are not new. Interdicts, economic blockades, political maneuvering - all this is rather predictable for anybody who is at least a bit acquainted with the history of the world.

In my book:
It's definitely not the best of Asimov, and I'm surprised it won Hugo. Although if you really love history, this may be your thing.


  1. Too bad this book wasn't as good as I, Robot. I really liked that one.

    1. Yes, it was a great idea, with three rules! Such a field for imagination! :) I was expecting something like that from this book, but alas....

  2. I really need to re-read this; I read it so long ago that I remember almost nothing except that I liked it a great deal. Are you planning to check out any of the sequels?

    1. Not really, I don't think I will continue the series... I think I'll try something else by Asimov though. Maybe a re-read of I, Robot :)

  3. Hmm, I didn't know the book was actually a bunch of short stories instead of a complete novel. That kind of changes my perspective on it. Oh well, someday I will have to read it and form my own opinion.

    1. Yes, they were meant to be read separately, but I guess that was very frustrating, as some of them ended with cliffhangers... Having all of them in one book s so much better than waiting for the next issue of a magazine :)

  4. I guess I like history because I really liked this book a lot. I loved how the individual parts worked together but also could stand alone, create a single narrative. I've never read I, Robot though so now I want to read that. :)

    1. I guess it's just a question of what works and what doesn't work for the particular reader :) I can well see why it can be loved, and having separate stories actually was a good thing, as it was a very fast read.

  5. I don't think I've ever read anything by Asimov -- maybe I should start with I, Robot. I didn't know anything about Foundation. Thanks for linking your review to the Back to the Classics Challenge!

    1. OF COURSE you should start with I, Robot! Everything by Asimov is a classic, but I, Robot is also a masterpiece! :)

  6. Enjoyed you "to the point" review, thanks! I too read a book that won the Hugo award ( Stranger in a Strange land) and had exactly the same reaction you did: "How did this book ever win an award?" Hugo"s ??? Hmmm?

    1. Thanks, Nancy! Yes, sometimes I just can't understand the logic behind award giving. But award lists are still good guides as a rule.


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