
September 29, 2013

The Castle of Otranto Non-Review + General Ramblings

I haven't been here for a long time, and, as usual, I apologize. I'm always wondering how people can post every day and not get tired, especially if something is happening offline? As for me, 2 things have been happening which distracted me from blogging:

1) The semester started on Monday! I have 6 subjects, and it's 50/50: half of them are OK, and another half is total crap. Well, at least it's better than the previous winter semester :) First week is always crazy, because you need to get signed for everything you want, and it involves either queuing at the students department or participating in "clicking battles" during online sign-ups. Very nervous, all of this.

2) I had another fit of Heroes of Might and Magic V. This doesn't cease to surprise me, but every half a year of so I spend around a week playing it nearly non-stop. The game is like 2 boyfriends old, but seriously, have you seen how cool it is?

Meanwhile, I have 3 books that I've read and not reviewed, and they are The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole, The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. I'm going to write a proper review for the last two (and hopefully soon!), but Otranto is not something I'd like to spend much time on, so here is a non-review in just one paragraph:

The Castle of Otranto is a weird book, with no logic, where "gothic" things just happen one after another without any connection. It features enough women in distress, noble gentlemen, rude villains, superstitions, fainting, deaths, lost sons etc... That's pretty much all that can be said about it, and if it was not so short (less than 100 pages) I'm not sure I would have finished it. But if you are in the right sarcastic mood, it can be really funny. Last year Jean posted about it and it made me smile a lot, although I haven't read it then. Now I understand, although sometimes I wish I didn't! :)

I'll finish with a picture that gives you some clue as to what is happening in The Castle of Otranto. See?


  1. I think several blogs are suffering the beginning-of-semester slump. I know mine is. And Castle of Otranto--that is one weird book. :)

    1. The beginning of semester for me is also combined with the autumnal lack of energy, which doesn't help at all :) I can't stop suspecting that Walpole was just making a big joke, like "what is the reading public able to eat?" :)

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if he was! "Hm, how ridiculous can I get and still sell this book?"

  2. I've definitely been in blogging slump most of this month. Heroes! That brings back memories. I used to be soooo addicted (I played Heroes of Might and Magic 3, 4 and 5 :)) )

    1. Woooho! A fellow addict :) I've also played HoMM3, but I began with HoMM5, and it'll always be my favourite :) My former-former BF gave the disc to me before his exam session and told me not to give it back to him under any circumstances :) I think it's still lying somewhere at home, but I haven't stumbled on it for a long time :)


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