
August 18, 2013

Bout of Books 8.0 Goals

Bout of Books starts tomorrow! As it's a normal working week for me, I'm not expecting to read ALL THE STUFF, but I'll try to read instead of losing my time in the Internet, for example, and hopefully it'll result in more reading time.

I have several books I want to finish:

1) Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - for Austen in August event and Mansfield Park Readalong. I'm already half way through!
2) Wives and Daughters - for Unputdownables read-a-long, for next week is the last one!
3) As You Like It by William Shakespeare - August choice for Let's Read Plays event.
4) An adapted German book for my Language Freak Summer Challenge.
5) One Thousand and One Nights - that's just a dream, as I am only 75% through, which means there are around 700 pages left, so it's not very likely I'll actually finish it.

Books I want to start:

1) The Classics Club spin book!

So here are my goals! I'd be happy to achieve at least half of them, but maybe I'll do better! :) Looking forward to my first Bout of Books!

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